219 photos
Visitors 54912

Contact Info
AddressRidgefield, CT 06877
United States
Daytime phone1 917 754 6888
Mobile phone1 917 754 6888
send message
Web sitevisit website
You can contact Richard Rodamar for information regarding commissioning him
for assignments, purchasing a fine art print/s, licensing an image.
He will also photograph artist and their art work as well .
Feel free to contact him to ask questions. It can't hurt and who knows it just might be
just what you wanted.

Guestbook for Richard Rodamar Imagery
Great photos!
Barry Mason(non-registered)
Your photos are great!!!
Kristin Boylan(non-registered)
Your work is beautiful! Thank you for all the advice you offered Luke last weekend! See you at the Guild!
Dr Brian Feinman(non-registered)
Amazing talent !!! Thanks for sharing.